Application for Employment

If you are an employer, please complete our staffing inquiries form.

Hampton Domestics will help experienced and qualified applicants obtain a position. If you feel you are well qualified, you may submit the on-line job application below, or you may download a copy of our application to print out, and mail or fax to Hampton Domestics.. You must meet our minimum requirements. Candidates are not charged fees to register with or apply through Hampton Domestics LLC.

We respect your privacy. The information that you include in your employment application will not be shared with anyone. All of the information requested on this form is provided by you voluntarily. All that we require to contact you is your name and a telephone number. Hampton Domestics is an equal opportunity employer.

General Information

Your IP address has been automatically recorded.
IP Address=

State / Province:    Postal Code: 

Email address: 

Home Telephone #: 
Work Telephone #: 
Other Telephone #: 

Date of Birth:    
Are you a US Citizen? Yes   No
If no, do you have: Green Card   Work Authorization Permit


Please select one position for which you are most qualified and experienced.
References will be required.

Looking For:
Live In
Live Out     
Part Time
Full Time

Salary Expectations:
$ Hourly Daily
Weekly Yearly

Are you willing to relocate?  

Yes No
If yes, are there any relocation limitations or desires?

Previous Employment Record

Employer 1: 
State / Province:    Postal Code: 
Telephone #: 

Date Started:  Date Left:
Starting Salary:  Ending Salary:

Your Title: 

Why did you leave this position?

Employer 2: 
State / Province:    Postal Code: 
Telephone #: 

Date Started:  Date Left:
Starting Salary:  Ending Salary:

Your Title: 

Why did you leave this position?

Employer 3: 
State / Province:    Postal Code: 
Telephone #: 

Date Started:  Date Left:
Starting Salary:  Ending Salary:

Your Title: 

Why did you leave this position?

Employer 4: 
State / Province:    Postal Code: 
Telephone #: 

Date Started:  Date Left:
Starting Salary:  Ending Salary:

Your Title: 

Why did you leave this position?

If we are interested in your experience and qualifications, you will be asked to complete an additional, more detailed form. Some of the above questions will be repeated.

By submitting this form, I certify that all facts contained herein are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that Hampton Domestics acts only as a liaison and assumes no responsibility for any act of employer or employee. I agree not to take any position Hampton Domestics refers me to for which Hampton Domestics is not paid by my new employer or by the agency I am referred to Hampton Domestics by. I agree to keep Hampton Domestics informed regarding my current telephone number and job availability. I agree to notify Hampton Domestics when I accept a position through their efforts and to notify Hampton Domestics if and when I leave that employment.

New York
Palm Beach
The Hamptons